School Led ITT Partnership

Community, Compassion, Thanksgiving, Trust, Friendship & Forgiveness






Pupils are encouraged to consider aspirational careers in professions related to
science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Ofsted March 2020.



Careers Information & Guidance

Careers Policy.

At Archbishop Blanch School we are passionate about our aspirational careers education. We aim to ensure all students are prepared for the workplace and they can make informed decisions about their next steps. We strive to ensure our learners are viewed as employees of choice by local businesses, international companies and sort after candidates for HE and skilled applicants for apprenticeships.

CEIAG plays central role in our school timetable and is evident in each curriculum area. Student’s experiences are enriched through innovate teaching methods involving the whole school community; competitions, visiting speakers, virtual interactions, trips, signposting and one to one careers advice. Our careers fairs are outstanding, forging links with the local and wider community and our networking events have enabled solid partnerships to be secured.

Our most current Ofsted inspection (Feb 20) recognised our commitment: ‘Careers education, information, advice and guidance are excellent…..’

We are committed to delivering a full Careers Programme to fulfil the 2018 Government’s Careers Strategy and we work towards fulfilling all the criteria within the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Careers Development Institute Framework for Careers, Employer and Enterprise Education. This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42A and 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Archbishop Blanch complies with the new legislation – “Through the skills and Post -16 ACT 2022”. The new guidance is detailed in the January 2023 update of (Careers guidance and access for education and training providers) published by the Department of Education.

What this means, is students will have 6 opportunities in Year 8-13 to recieve information on alternative pathways including apprenticeships and technical qualifications.

The information will be delivered in careers lessons, assemblies and by independant training providers who attend our careers fairs.

Pupil Entitlement; All pupils in years 8-13 are entitled:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available.
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions, taster events and inspirational talks.
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and apprenticeship

At Archbishop Blanch School CEIAG is taught under the acronyms of A.C.E (KS3 & 4) and C.O.R.E (KS5); The Archbishop Blanch School’s ACE curriculum at KS3 & 4: Aspirations, Character and Enrichment and the CORE Curriculum at KS5: Change, Opportunity, Resilience and Engagement, is where our CEIAG curriculum works harmoniously with our PSHE curriculum. We have a weekly timetabled lesson across the full academic year, our curriculum encompasses all the vital knowledge and skills students need for school and beyond. We aim to prepare and guide our students to achieve their potential by supporting their wellbeing.

By equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to help them identify their future career, through positive signposting, we are strengthening pupils desire to achieve. The impact of our careers programme can be seen through our destinations, but more importantly can be heard and understood when you talk to our pupils, they are motivated, interested and excited for their future. More importantly they are confident enough to question ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ in terms of their own future.

Our half termly CEIAG Focus Weeks enable us to link curriculum learning to careers. Each Focus Week is linked to one of the six growth sectors for Liverpool. The aim is for pupils to take away understanding of their local Labour market and how it affects them. As part of the development of student’s aspirations and character, the A.C.E. and C.O.R.E curriculums also support pupils in accessing high quality enrichment activities. These enrichments provide students with access to a range of activities across a wide spectrum of different areas (for example school run cultural trips, visiting speakers, sporting events, meet the professional opportunities, campus visits, work place visits and creative clubs). These activities are designed and monitored in order to offer students experiences which they may not otherwise get. As part of the development of the enrichment aspect of the of the curriculum, students receive a weekly form-time session which links to a career of the week, current affairs and citizenship. These form time sessions are student led (using a staff created resource) and strive to raise awareness of key world events and issues whilst promoting students use of Oracy through form discussions.

Our weekly ‘Meet the professional sessions’ are extremely important in highlighting the variety of careers out there to our students. Throughout the sessions we endeavour to promote enterprise and entrepreneurship, by selecting a diverse range of professionals. The pupil participation is outstanding – The outcome has been measured by pupils asking for certain professionals to revisit the school, pupils gaining volunteer and work experience oppurtunities and pupils investment in their own research for intended careers.

Enterprise and developing entrepreneurship thrives at Archbishop Blanch School, enterprise is block timetabled within the A.C.E and C.O.RE curriculums across the school, for a full half term. Full support is given to departmental enterprise competitions and initiatives to promote entrepreneurship and promotion of students thinking for themselves. We believe enterprise education is vitally important for our students:

  • Students can gain an understanding of the diverse range of career pathways in the business sectors.
  • Students develop personal finance capabilities which will help in their work and personal lives.
  • Enterprise provides a bridge between the world of work and the school environment.
  • Enterprise education enables students to develop confidence, self-reliance and a determination to succeed.
  • Enterprise education encourages collaboration and team work.

Our main goal is to prepare our students for life outside of school and open their eyes to opportunities that encourage enterprise and entrepreneurship. Through our meticulously planned A.C.E and C.O.R.E Curriculums, we can equip our students with the skills they need to succeed.

Careers Programme and Dates.

Please see the links below for more information

ACE Curriculum KS3 & 4

Core Curriculum KS5

ACE Learning Journey

We measure and assess the impact of our careers programme through pupil and parent voice and through analysis of our destinations data

If you would like further information please contact any of our Careers Staff below on: 0151 330 5151 or email at or contact our Careers Advisor Antony Stagg via email

Please see the links below for more information

We measure and assess the impact of our careers programme through pupil and parent voice and through analysis of our destinations data

If you would like further information please contact any of our Careers Staff below on: 0151 330 5151 or email at or contact our Careers Advisor Antony Stagg via email

Please see the links below for more information

Careers Staff:

Mrs H Rimmer (Careers Lead)

Ms D McLaughlin (STEAM Coordinator)


Mr Antony Stagg (Careers Advisor)

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