Transitioning to Secondary School can feel like a huge leap for a young person- but also for their parents!
At Archbishop Blanch School we understand that starting year 7 can seem like a daunting prospect, but ensuring that students feel safe, secure and cared for is our main priority, enabling students to achieve their full potential.
Therefore, the welfare of students is everybody’s responsibility.
Upon starting at Archbishop Blanch, every child will be put into one of seven forms, named for the previous locations of the school:
7B (Bedfordshire) | 7D (Devonshire) |
7E (Earle) | 7L (Lodge) |
7P (Paddington) | 7S (Smithdown) |
7V (Vernon) |
Students join Archbishop Blanch from over 60 different schools each year and many are the only child coming from their primary school. It is school policy that students from the same primary are placed in separate forms in order to develop friendships.
Staff who will support your child:
The Form Tutor has initial responsibility for the social welfare of that group. This includes the monitoring of attendance, punctuality, behaviour and delivery of the PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) curriculum.
Progress Leader, responsible for the overall academic and social development of the year group.
Our aim is for each form to keep the same Form Tutor and Progress Leader throughout their time in school in order to develop relationships and knowledge of the student.
The Pastoral Lead is a non-teaching member of staff dedicated to the welfare of your child, and is both a trained Safeguarding Lead and trained Mental Health First Aider.
The SEND department will support students identified as having additional needs.
Transition Events
There are a number of transition opportunities for students joining year 7. The city-wide transition day takes place during the first week of July and, when possible, a short summer school is offered during the holidays. There is also a new parents information evening prior to the transition day, and a meet the form tutor evening in October, which is an opportunity to discuss how your child has settled into the school. In addition, there is a separate, small, bespoke transition day for students with SEND; this is by invitation only and on the recommendation of primary school.
Finally, we look forward to welcoming your child to the Archbishop Blanch Community. Please see the links below to specific guidance on transition provided by The Anna Freud Foundation, Young Minds, and Barnardos.